بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Taught by Ustadh Wasim
Lesson 5
This lesson started off on page 50 on the
topic of PLEASURE AND ANGER. Before we go into that we must note ‘WE MUST
MAJESTY’ and remember ‘There is nothing
like Him’
AND ANGER - Ridahallah and Ghadhaballah
- ‘Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased
with Him’ (Ma’idah:119). Here Allah is pleased
with the ACTION and the DOER
Difference between attribute and action
Ø Attribute of essence – They do
not separate from Allah (swt) and He is doing it ALWAYS
Ø Attribute of action – This may or may not occur
He shows His actions to certain people and
a certain action. The pleasure of Allah is the greatest pleasure (Akbar Na’eem) you
can achieve
has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers
flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of
perpetual residence; but approval from Allah is greater. It is that which the
great attainment is. (Tawbah:72)
Abu Said Al-Khudri who said that the Messenger of Allah sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam said: "Allah will say to the inhabitant of Paradise: 'O inhabitants
of Paradise!' They will say: 'O our Lord, we present ourselves and are at Your
pleasure, and goodness rests in Your hands.' Then He will say: 'Are you
contented?' And they will say: 'And how should we not be contented, O Lord,
when You have given to us that which You have given to no one else of Your
creation?' Then He will say: 'Would you not like Me to give you something
better than that?' And they will say: 'O Lord and what thing is better than
that?' And He will say: 'I shall cause My favour to descend upon you and
thereafter shall never be displeased with you.'" It was related by
al-Bukhari (also by Muslim and at-Tirmidhi).
- ‘Whoever kills a believer deliberately, his
reward is Hell, remaining in it timelessly, forever. Allah is angry with
him and has cursed him (An Nisa: 93)
NB: If a disbeliever kills a believer then no doubt he is in the hell
fire but if a believer kills a believer then his is in the hell fire FOREVER.
Shirk will land you in the hellfire eternally but other sins; you will enter
the hellfire for some time to purify you off them and then leave.
The word ‘Khaalid’ means forever
Does this ayah mean you cannot repent?
Doesn’t Allah accept your tawbah whilst you’re alive?
The Ulama have said that there is a long
stay in Jahannam and no believer will stay in Hell eternally. The believer will
not remain in the hellfire eternally if they have Imaan. This person will have
a curse from Allah and be away from His mercy.
Thus the answer is there is tawbah for that person. (See below)
those who do not invoke with Allah another deity or kill the soul which Allah
has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful
sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty. Multiplied for him is the punishment on
the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein humiliated -Except for those
who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their
evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (Tawbah: 68-70)
Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wa sallam:
"Among those who came before you was a man who killed 99 people. He then
asked to be guided to the most prolific worshipper from the inhabitants of the
earth, and he was directed to a monk. He went to him and told him that he had
killed 99 people, and he asked whether it was possible for him to repent. The
Monk said, 'No.' The man killed him, thus making him his 100th (victim). He
then asked to be directed to the most knowledgeable of earth's inhabitants, and
he was guided to a scholar. He went to him and told him that he had killed 100
people, and he asked whether it was possible for him to repent. The scholar
said, 'Yes, and who will stand between you and repentance. Go to such and such
land, for in it dwell a people who worship Allah, so go and worship Allah with
them. And do not return to your land, for it is indeed a land of evil.' He
left, and when he reached the halfway point of his journey, he died. The angels
of Mercy and the angels of Punishment disputed with one another (in regard to
his case). The angels of Mercy said, 'He came to us repentant, advancing with
his heart towards Allah.' But the angels of Punishment said, 'Indeed, he never
performed any good deeds.' Then an angel came in the form of a human being, and
both groups of angels asked him to judge between them. He said, 'Measure the
distance between the two lands. Whichever land he is closer to is the land that
he is closer to (in terms of being of its people).' They then measured the
distance and found that he was closer to the land that he was heading towards,
and so it was the angels of Mercy who then took his soul." (Al -
Bukhari: 3470 and Muslim: 2766)
- ‘That is because they followed what angers Allah,
and hated what is pleasing to Him (Muhammed: 28) Allah is angry with people if they do certain acts
- ‘Then when they had provoked Our wrath, we took
revenge on them’ (Zukhruf:55). The word
‘Aasifoona’ can mean ANGER OR SAD.
In this surah it means anger and in (Surah Yusuf:84) it means sad.
Here Allah affirms to Himself that He has Severe Anger towards some
- ‘But Allah was adverse to their setting out and
so He held them back’ (Tawbah:46) – The
background of this ayah is the Battle of Tabuk, many of the hypocrites
turned away and Allah commanded them to stay back.
- It is deeply abhorrent to Allah that you should
say what you do not do (Saff: 3). The ulama
have said that this ayah is evidence for the obligations for Muslims for
if they are going to say they are going to do something, they fulfill it
- ‘What are they waiting for but for Allah to come
to them in the shadows of the clouds together with the angels, in which
case the matter will have been settled.’( Baqarah: 210) Those who disbelieved, they are not waiting for anything
except for Allah to appear on the Day of Judgement with the angels and they’ll dodge Him.
When Allah mentions in Qur’an about the angels appearing has two meanings:
Ø To take the soul of people .. And
if you could but see when the wrongdoers are in the overwhelming pangs of death
while the angels extend their hands, [saying], "Discharge your souls!
Today you will be awarded the punishment of [extreme] humiliation for what you
used to say against Allah other than the truth and [that] you were, toward His
verses, being arrogant.(An’am: 93) DISBELIEVERS
Indeed, those who have said, "Our
Lord is Allah " and then remained on a right course - the angels will
descend upon them, [saying], "Do not fear and do not grieve but receive
good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised. (Fusillat: 30) BELIEVERS
Ø On the day of judgment, they’ll be there
How do we visualize them? – We don’t! This is because we weren’t
given that knowledge.
It is an obligation for us to affirm that
He is above His throne when He appears to us.
- Do they [then] wait for anything except that the
angels should come to them or your Lord should come or that there come
some of the signs of
your Lord? The Day that some of the signs of your Lord will come no
soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before or
had earned through its faith some good. Say, "Wait. Indeed, we [also]
are waiting." (An’am: 158) – One of the
signs will be the sun rising from the west so if you are a believer it
will not benefit you at all. Here He is talking about the DoJ.
No! When the earth has been leveled
- pounded and crushed - And
your Lord has come and the angels, rank upon rank,(Fajr: 22-23)
- ‘..the day when the heaven is split apart in
clouds, and the angels are sent down upon ranks’ (Fruqan: 25)
Taking all these characteristics we accept
in a way that’s befitting to His Majesty. Using all these ahadith and ayat we
affirm His action that He’ll come on the Day of Judgment and affirm their
Coming actually means reward. What do
Ulama say?
One opinion says that Allah ‘coming’ on Day
of Judgment means His ‘reward’ is coming otherwise we’re making tamtheel of
this BUT does it mean every person will receive a reward? What if some are
getting punished? Therefore ‘coming’ could mean ‘command’ of Allah coming BUT
if He meant that then wont it be clear that it’s AMR of Allah. See ‘The command
of Allah is coming, so be not impatient for it. Exalted is He and high
above what they associate with Him.’ (Nahl: 1). It is made clear in this
ayah about the command. From this we can say that it is NOT for us to say ‘coming’
means something else.
NB: Before we were talking about the attributes
of actions of Allah and now it’s the attributes of essence. WHAT HE ALWAYS HAD!
- Everyone upon the earth will perish, but the face
of your Lord will remain, Master of Majesty and Generosity’ (Ar-Rahman:26-
27) . This is affirming ‘Sifatul Waj’
Linguisitically the word ‘FACE’ has a lot of different meaning so you can
establish different meaning between creations therefore you can establish
difference between Creator and creation.
Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah
sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, was standing amongst us and he told us five
things. He said: Verily the Exalted and Mighty God does not sleep, and it
does not befit Him to sleep. He lowers the scale and lifts it. The deeds
in the night are taken up to Him before the deeds of the day, and the
deeds of the day before the deeds of the night. His veil is the light. In the hadith narrated by Abu Bakr,
instead of the word "light," it is fire. If he withdraws it (the
veil), the splendour of His countenance would consume His creation so far
as His sight reaches. (Sahih
Muslim, Book 001, Number 0343)
Allah knows what is [presently]
before them and what will be after them, but they do not encompass it in
knowledge.(Taha:110). This ayah is telling us that if we try to
imagine Allah’s ‘face’ then it’s a form of innovation because Allah has
prohibited us to talk about Him without knowledge. The evidence is:
And do not pursue that of which you
have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about
all those [one] will be questioned. (Isra: 136)
- All things are passing except His face. (Qasas:
88) – Some people interpret Allah’s face as
‘reward’. This is clear Tahreef of its meaning. We refute this position
from following points:
- NONE of
the companions ever understood face to mean reward of Allah therefore it
is going against the ijma of the salaf by interpreting face to mean reward
- It
contradicts the apparent meaning of the word ‘FACE’ means ‘face’ in a way
befitting to Allah. You need to bring daleel to say ‘Face’ means ‘Reward’
NB: You need to understand it literally unless it is said metaphorically.
So back to the ayah (Ar Rahman : 27) you don’t recognize ‘reward’ as full of Majesty and Honour. So referring back to the hadith of Abu
Musa – will the ‘reward’ burn the creation?
We do not say Allah (swt) is like this and
like that and has ‘parts’. If you intended to say Face of Allah is His essence
because Face is honoured therefore if everything else perishes, bar His Face
does He not have any other parts? NOT
- ‘Iblees, what prevented you prostrating to what I
created with My own hands?’ (Sad:
75) – Here Allah tells us, addressing Iblees.
Here Allah (swt) affirms that He has Hands. By creating Adam (as) with His
hands is a form of honour. He also wrote the Torah with His hands.
the Jews say, "The hand of Allah is chained." Chained are their
hands, and cursed are they for what they say. Rather, both His hands are
extended; (Ma’idah: 64) This is the statement of
the Jews because He doesn’t give this attribute to Himself. Yahud affirmed the
Hand of Allah but Allah then said: ‘Let their hands be tied up’.
NB: Allah attributes ‘HANDS’ to Himself and you will get it in singular\dual\plural.
For example - Do they not see that We have created for them from what Our hands have
made, grazing livestock, and [then] they are their owners? (Ya-sin:71).
Here the plural form of hands (Aydeena) is used therefore does that mean Allah
has more than 2 hands???
- When
Allah mentions it in the singular form, it does not prevent plurality once
it’s been affirmed
- When
something is used in the dual form, it’s very specific
How do we reconcile both the dual and
- Some say
plural actually means 2.
- Majority
of the ulama say that the least number to be considered a plural is 3 not
2. When using plural in something, it is to show exaltation and grandeur.
NB: Allah has told us He has 2 hands in a
way befitting to His Majesty. Some say Allah’s hands means ‘power’. This refuted
because the Salaf never use to say this. We reject that ‘hand’ means
favour/power otherwise it’ll mean Allah has 2 favours/powers.
ASWJ affirm that He (swt) has 2 eyes. We
know that nowhere in the Qur’an that His eyes are mentioned in the dual form,
rather we find it in the Sunnah of the Prophet
The Prophet sallalahu alayhi wa sallam said:.
"No one except a Prophet has warned his people about the Dajjal who is
blind lie next to another opinion. Know that the Antichrist eyes blind side as
God is not blind side. Written between the two eyes: ك ف ر / كافر ( infidel)-which can be read by every Muslim.
"[HR. Al-Bukhari (no. 7131, 7408), Muslim (no. 2933), Abu Dawood (no.
4316, 4318), at-Tirmidhi (no. 2245), Ahmad (III/103, 173, 276, 290), of the
Companions Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu. The existing wording in brackets
belong to the Muslim and Ahmad. See Qishshatul Masiihid Dajjaal by Shaykh
al-Albani (p. 53).]
(see Arabic for blindside) is a form of defect and our Lord is not like
that. A’awar is only used if there are two eyes.
- So, wait patiently for the judgment of your Lord
– you are certainly before Our eyes (At Tur: 48)
Hukoom - there is 1) Shari’ah type 2) Universal Hukoom
(Qadr of Allah)
Ulama have
boken down Sabr into 3 types
- Patience
upon obedience of Allah e.g. commanded to perform obligation and then
recommended acts.
- Patience
to stay away from disobeying Allah e.g. staying away from Haraam
- Patience
on decree of Allah
In this ayah, there is affirmation of the
eye. It is in the plural form to exalt Allah’s attributes.
We do not say the eye is ‘part’ of Allah’s
face. THIS IS NOT PERMISSIBLE because we have ‘parts’ so Allah can’t have parts
TAKE THINGS AS THEY COME TO US! – Always go back to
the principle. The Salaf did not say anything.
Ø Does ‘under Our eyes’ mean under Our watch? If there are potentially
2 meanings and they don’t contradict one another, we will accept them.
- We bore him on a planked and well-caulked ship,
which ran before Our eyes – a reward for him who has been rejected (Qamar:
13-14) This ayah is talking about Nuh (as) and
the ship he was asked to construct. In (Hud:37) Allah asks him to
construct the ship under ‘Our eyes’
Du’a of Nuh
(As) 'My Lord! Leave not one of the
disbelievers on the earth. If you leave them, they will mislead Your slaves,
and they and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers’ (Nuh:27)
- I showered you with love from Me so that you
would be reared under My eye (Ta Ha: 39). The
eye is mentioned in singular.
NB: Those who claim that Allah is watching
you they say ‘Ayn’ does not mean ‘EYE’. This ayah contradicts this. The
evidence is the following:
a) Goes against the apparent meaning
b) Going against the ijma of the Salaf
c) No evidence to state that ‘EYE’ here means ‘WATCHING’
- Allah as heard the words of the woman who
disputes with you about her husband and lays her complaint before Allah.
Allah hears the two of you talking together and Allah is All Hearing, All
Seeing (Mujadilah: 1) Even though this ayah
was revealed at a particular situation we take the general meaning from it
that He hears and sees ALL!
Hearing attributed to Allah
- Hears
and answers supplication of that person
- Hears
sounds that are made. He hears all sounds and in the context of the above
ayah He hears the sound and answers the supplication.
- Allah has heard the words of those who say ‘Allah
is poor and we are rich’ (Imran: 181) He hears
and answers the supplication of Zakariyyah (as)
Hearing is used in 3 ways
- Threaten
- Support/Aid
- Explain
all encompassing knowledge.
The above ayah is a statement of the Yahud
who described Allah with deficiency.
- Or do they imagine that We do not hear their
secrets and their private talks? On the contrary, Our messengers are right
there with the, writing it all down! (Zukhruf: 80)
are the ones who disbelieve in the verses of their Lord and in [their] meeting
Him, so their deeds have become worthless; and We will not assign to them on
the Day of Resurrection any importance. (Kahf: 105)
– this ayah tells us that even if they
are big people, they will weigh nothing in terms of deeds on Day of Judgement
the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals
fearful of that within it, and they will say, "Oh, woe to us! What is this
book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?"
And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does
injustice to no one.(Kahf:49) This book does not miss even the small things or big things. Everything
is recorded!
All good you take from this is from Allah and any mistakes are from myself