The Three Fundamental Principles - taught by
Abu Abdisalam – Part two
This section of the talk starts with the following points:
Know, may Allah have
mercy upon you, that it is obligatory upon every Muslim, male and female, to
learn and act upon the following three matters:
The next three matters act as a follow on from the previous
four and are a prelude to the next matters.
THE FIRST: That Allah
created us and provided sustenance for us, and He did not leave us without a
purpose rather He sent Messengers to us. So whoever obeys him will enter
Paradise, and whoever rejects and disobeys him will enter the Fire, and the
proof is the saying of the Most High:
Indeed, We have sent to you a Messenger as a witness upon you just as
We sent to Pharaoh a messenger.
But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger, so We seized him with a ruinous
seizure. (Muzzammil: 16)
The first matter is Allah created us and didn’t leave us
with any purpose. He created us to test us to see which one of us are best in
conduct and behaviour. Allah is mocking the disbelievers. If He created us for
no purpose, this would be a deficiency in His Hikmah (Wisdom). We have a
purpose but now we need a guide to show us how to do it and that is why He sent
the Messengers. Every nation had this warner or giver of glad tidings.
He sent a Messenger that actualises the tawheed of Allah. There is only one way to Allah:
He sent a Messenger that actualises the tawheed of Allah. There is only one way to Allah:
Some of the Salaf use to say, ‘The goal is not that we love
Allah but rather the goal is that we should obtain the love of Allah.’
How can we find out if we are being loved by Allah?
If you truly love Allah, follow the Prophet, sallalahu
alayhi wa sallam. Then, Inshaa’Allah, He will love you and forgive you of your
sins. We also need to worship Allah the way He wants us to worship Him. There
are some people who claim to love Allah but they worship Him in the way they
Ibn Al Qayyim said: For one, Be one, In one.
What is meant by this is the following:
For one: It is just for Allah
Be one: Be pure in your worship
In one: There is only one path to Allah.
Now, we know that Allah hasn’t left us without a purpose.
THE SECOND: Allah is
not pleased that anyone should be made a sharer in worship along with Him,
neither any angle brought near, nor any prophet sent as a messenger, and the
proof is the saying of Allah, the Most High,
‘And the places of worship are for Allah alone, so do not invoke anyone
along with Allah’ (Jinn: 18)
Here the author mentions two types of creation. 1. The Angel
and 2. The Prophet
So Allah does not like that you commit shirk but that you
actualise tawheed, the oneness of Allah. Whoever commits shirk has negated his
purpose of creation, his purpose of existence, as mentioned in the first part. If
a person associates partners with Allah, in worship, this is denying the very
purpose of what he was created for. Shirk is the greatest form of injustice
because it is to do with the Creator.
In this ayah, Allah is saying we can’t make dua to anyone
else but Him.
What is dua?
There are two types of dua
Mas’alah (asking)
Ibadah (worship)
Mas’alah: This is where you ask Allah for things, the most
common type of dua made. An example of
one is:
Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the
hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire [2:201]
Here you are calling Allah in an asking manner.
Ibadah: Most people do not know of this but this includes
all the various types of worship you do where you ask for the reward of what
you have done.
Some people think that they can get closer to Allah by
taking a waseelah. This why the Shaykh mentioned this ayah. You can’t EVEN ASK
Jibreel as a waseelah to get close.
‘It is You we worship and You we ask for help’ (Fatiha: 5)
Why are Angels and Messengers mentioned?
This is because they are the best of creation! We should not
make dua to these people let alone saints. Many scholars of Islam died and people
began to take these scholars as people they’d worship. A person should have no doubt that we are not
allowed to invoke anyone but Allah.
Abu Abdisalam took a moment to explain the difference
between Nabi (Prophet) and Rasul (Messenger)
Every Messenger is a Prophet but not every Prophet is a
Messenger. This is why the Shaykh mentions the Messenger – they have a higher
status than a Nabi. So, if you cannot make dua to a Messenger, you definitely
cannot make dua to a Prophet.
THE THIRD: That whoever
is obedient to the Messenger and singles out Allah with all worship, upon
tawheed, then it is not permissible for him to have friendship and alliance
with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they are those most
closely related to him, and the proof is the saying of Allah, the Most High:
You will not find a
people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who
oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons
or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts
faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to
gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is
pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him - those are the party of Allah.
Unquestionably, the party of Allah - they are the successful. (Mujadilah: 22)
One should hate shirk and its people. This is what is meant
by Al Wara’a wal Bara’a. Islam is to submit to Allah with Tawheed and yield
obediently to Him and disassociate shirk and people of shirk.
You are not allowed to befriend those who oppose Allah. The
foundation of this deen is La illaha illalah with our hearts and our tongues.
He loves this word and hates that which opposes this kalimah. How can someone
have love for someone that doesn’t do the same?
Muwalaat is of two categories:
The general category (At Tawalli)
Specific (Muwalaat)
Tawalli – This is to love the people of shirk and kufr or
help the people of shirk or kufr over the people of imaan and your intention in
helping them is making kufr prevail over Islam. This is kufr al Akbar
Muwalaat – To love the mushrikeen or kuffar of what they
posses of the dunya OR because they are related to you. This is haraam and
prohibited in Islam BUT you do not leave the fold of Islam
The difference is that Muwalaat is not letting religion prevail
against Muslims.
It is an obligation for us to have wala’a for Muslims and
Bara’a for Non Muslims.
This is the end of this part and the next part will go into the three principles inshaa'Allah
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