Qawaa’id al arba’a – Wasim Kempson
The First Principle
That you know the Kuffar, who theMessenger fought,used to affirm that Allah, Ta’aala, was the Creator and the Disposer of all theaffairs but that didn’t enter them into Islam and the proof is the saying ofthe Most High:
That you know the Kuffar, who theMessenger fought,used to affirm that Allah, Ta’aala, was the Creator and the Disposer of all theaffairs but that didn’t enter them into Islam and the proof is the saying ofthe Most High:
Say: Who provides for you from the skyand from the earth? Or Who owns hearing and sight? And Who brings out theliving from the dead and brings out the dead from the living? They will say:“Allah”. Say: Will you not then be afraid of Allah’s punishment (i.e.-for settingup partners with Allah)? [Yunus :31]
So this principle here is startingfrom the very bottom. As we know tawheed has been broken down into differentcategories. This shows the importance of breaking it down. There is tawheed ar ruboobiyyah,uloohiyah and Asma was Sifaat. Here we are talking about the tawheed of ar ruboobiyyah.The Quraysh accepted this. Tawheed ar ruboobiyyah is accepting that Allah hasno partner in sustaining the universe and that there is no other Creator exceptAllah. This verse mentioned is important because it shows the people affirmthis. When we define tawheed, we do not say it is ONLY accepting Allah as theCreator because the mushrikoon of Makkah did that too and yet that didn’t enterthem into Islam. Therefore this is not a sufficient definition. It is notsufficient for a person to JUST to recognise that Allah is the Creator,Sustainer etc because even the Jews say this. Rather, the Prophet foughtagainst them because they DIDN’T single out Allah in their worship, which isthe true definition of at tawheed. Tawheed is not JUST affirmation of tawheedar ruboobiyyah. This important rule that is being established here is that theProphet fought against those who accepted tawheed ar ruboobiyyah. The verse inSurah Yunus confirms this. Luqman:25 also supports this:
And if you asked them, "Whocreated the heavens and earth?" they would surely say, " Allah." Say, "[All] praise is [due] to Allah "; but most of them donot know. [Luqman:25]
Allah tells us that mushrikoonaccepted Allah as the Creator, Sustainer but this was not enough for them toenter the fold of Islam therefore they were fought against, to establish theworship of Allah
The Second Principle
That they (the Mushrikeen) say:
“We do not call upon and turn towards them except to seek nearness andintercession (i.e.-with Allah)”. So the proof against seeking this nearness (throughothers, like Awliyyah) is the saying of the Most High:
And those who you take awliyyah besidesHim (they say): ‘We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.”Verily, Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly,Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever. [ Az Zumar:3]
That they (the Mushrikeen) say:
“We do not call upon and turn towards them except to seek nearness andintercession (i.e.-with Allah)”. So the proof against seeking this nearness (throughothers, like Awliyyah) is the saying of the Most High:
And those who you take awliyyah besidesHim (they say): ‘We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.”Verily, Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly,Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever. [ Az Zumar:3]
And the proof of (i.e.-against) intercession (through Awliyyah) is the sayingof the Most High: And they worshipbesides Allah things that hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say: “Theseare our intercessors with Allah.”[ Yunus 10:18]
And intercession is of two types:
the prohibited intercession and the affirmed intercession:
The prohibited intercession is that which is sought from other than Allahconcerning that which only Allah is able to do. And the proof is the saying ofthe Most High:
O you who believe! Spend fromthat which We have provided for you, before a Day comes when there will be nobargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession. And it is the disbelievers whoare the Dhaalimoon (wrong-doers, evil ones, etc.). [ Al Baqarah: 254]
And the affirmed intercession is that which is sought from Allah, and theintercessor is honoured with the intercession and the one interceded for , isone whom Allah is please with his speech and actions, after he givespermission, as He, Ta’aala, said:
And the affirmed intercession is that which is sought from Allah, and theintercessor is honoured with the intercession and the one interceded for , isone whom Allah is please with his speech and actions, after he givespermission, as He, Ta’aala, said:
Who is he that can intercede with Himexcept with His permission? [Baqarah:255]
The mushrikoon are eternallyabiding in the hellfire because they rejected Allah’s Lordship but because theydidn’t worship Him alone.
There is two types:
1. Legitimate– This has to fulfil two conditions:
· Permission of Allah (Baqarah: 255)
He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and theycannot intercede except on behalf of one whom He approves. And they, from fearof Him, are apprehensive. [Anbiya:28]
There is no intercession for themushrikoon. These people heard of the intercession but of course theirunderstanding of it was incorrect. The jahiliyyah Arabs understood the conceptof Ibadah but the true understanding was incorrect. They also understood thatyou could ask for intercession from Allah but the way they did was wrong. Whenthe Prophet will intercede on DoJ, it will only be by the permission of Allah.
- Unacceptable – this is not by the permission by Allah. The best of creation, when the Prophet wants to intercede, it will only be by the permission of Allah.
The excuse given by the mushrikoon is false. Theirunderstanding is not accepted by Allah.
The Jahiliyyah Arabs was to get close to Allah but theythought by approaching Allah by intermediaries, they thought their prayerswould be accepted.
With this we conclude the first two principles. May Allah protect us from falling into shirk. Ameen
All good is from Allah and any mistakes are from myself
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