Qawaa’id al arba’a – Wasim Kempson
The study of tawheed is the best topic to study in al Islam.That is to know Allah and how to worship Him and how to avoid displeasing Him. Thisbook is a short introduction into the study of shirk. If you’re ignorant ofwhat negates tawheed then you may fall into it. When you study tawheed, youwill need to study shirk. The books on shirk were written for the Muslims sothat they are able to be refuted. The works of Shaykh Abdul Wahhab were in aletter form.
The process of Abdul Wahhab’s dawah
Muhammad, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam came with the messageof al Islam and he was the seal of the Prophets. He was the messenger for thewhole of mankind, not just Arabian Peninsula. The purity of the message had reached allcorners of the Arabian Peninsula. This continued through to the sahabas and thegenerations that came after. This Shaykh was born in the beginning of the 18thcentury. He was born in a central place in Arabia he was born into a familywhich was known for its knowledge. Tawheed had been forgotten to some extent butmany practices of shirk and al bid’ah had entered into the Muslim communitiestherefore at this particular time, the Shaykh had memorised the Qur'an and realisedthat Muslims had split themselves up into different tribes and each tribe hadtheir own practices and shirk that existed amongst them. This doesn’t mean thatall peninsulas was declared as kuffar but it was know that Abdul Wahhab, Allahgave him an insight and he wanted to propagate this pure message. Shaykh Muhammadbegan writing some small treaties to certain people to call them back to thepure pristine message of ‘la illaha illah la’. He didn’t have much tribalbacking and therefore was rejected by many tribes because they wanted to remainon the practises they were on. They thought it was justified. He continued withhis message to purify this message of at tawheed. This message he came with wasnot a new message. They used to give him names like ‘wahhabi’ however al Wahhabis a name of Allah therefore the use was already not correct but it was alsoused in a derogatory way. He continued writing letters and teaching people thispure message and eradicate this filth of shirk. He done this and gave dawah forhis whole life. Allah gave him a good long life and that is the best life thatcan be given to somebody and that is in the path of Allah. During this time (dawahtime) he gained some form of standing with his dawah because he joined withanother tribe, an individual called Muhammad ibn Saud. He agreed with theteachings of Abdul Wahhab. Some say it was a negative coalition but if you lookat Abdul Wahhab’s standing, you could see that this coalition was for no otherreason but because he agreed with the dawah. Ibn Saud gave support to Abdul Wahhaband by tawfiq of Allah; they were successful in eradicating these practises
How are we going to teach tawheed?
Many people have different answer and what is the basis fortheir answer. We say, first and foremost we will go to the Qur’an, how doesAllah relay this message to us? Then how did the Prophet propagate this messageto the people?
Propagating tawheed is of two ways:
- It is taught generally, without going into specifics. E.g. you will explain the meaning of at tawheed; you will explain that it is Allah who is deserving of our worship; you will explain that tawheed is the most important matter to understand; you will mention that is the call of all of Prophets and Messengers; you will also explain the blessings one will receive from Allah by establishing tawheed in your life. Depending on who you are talking to, you need to see if it is suitable but this general way is usually a suitable way of teaching it
- This is to go into some details and explanation regarding at tawheed. Then you go into the meaning of at tawheed. Shaykh Abdul Wahhab said that tawheed is to single out Allah with your worship. Living at tawheed understands the true position of the Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wa sallam and this was given to the whole of mankind.
If you have anaudience that have just begun learning tawheed and you go in really deep, it’squite overwhelming. Ali said, ‘You should address the people in the manner inwhich they understand, do you want them to belie Allah and the Prophetsallalahu alayhi wa sallam?’ This is the methodology that one as a Muslim mustfollow. There is a danger when we understand how we are going to teach tawheed.There is a time where we will teach it generally and a time in detail.
NB: When studying text, it’s highly recommended to read thetext alone before you read the explanation.
The author begins with the basmalah and to begin with thisis seeking the barakah of Allah.
The author began by making a dua for the person who isreading this:
I ask Allah, AlKareem, Rub of The Mighty Throne, to protect you in this world and thehereafter.
And to bless you wherever you are and to make you from those who, when given,are thankful, when tested are patient, and when sinful seek forgiveness. Forcertainly, these are the three keys to happiness.
And to bless you wherever you are and to make you from those who, when given,are thankful, when tested are patient, and when sinful seek forgiveness. Forcertainly, these are the three keys to happiness.
This shows the manner of the teacher to one who is readinghis work. As for befriending Allah in this life, it means by loving Him. As forAllah becoming your protector, it means that you will love Allah and you willask for His guidance and forgiveness and you will turn to Him alone. The authoris making further dua. What are the keys of happiness?
- You are thankful
- You are patient
- You seek forgiveness
If you pay attention to these three matters, they encompassso much of the life of a Muslim.
If you are thankfulit is opposed to you being ungrateful and you being grateful is a way of youbeing increased in His ni’am. The fact that a Muslim is being thankful is asource of Allah increasing that person in blessings. Allah even commanded Dawudalayhi s salaam to give thanks
They made for him what he willed of elevated chambers,statues, bowls like reservoirs, and stationary kettles. [We said], "Work,O family of David, in gratitude." And few of My servants are grateful.[Saba:13]
Allah says in the Qur’an:
If you disbelieve - indeed, Allahis Free from need of you. And He does not approve for His servants disbelief.And if you are grateful, He approves it for you; and no bearer of burdens willbear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, and He willinform you about what you used to do. Indeed, He is Knowing of that within thebreasts. [Zumar: 7]
Being thankful to Allah is shown in a number of ways. Theulama have mentioned some:
- First of all in your heart. You have this gratitude in your heart
- You will with your tongue, talk about these ni’am: But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it]. [Duha:11]
- Show your gratefulness through your limbs e.g. do sujood of shukr or fast
Allah says:
O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbidwhat is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is ofthe matters [requiring] determination. [Luqman:17]
Allah will test all of his slaves. He will test them withhardships and calamities and maybe with enemies and disbelievers. The believer shouldnot give up or despair and waiver on their trust and reliance on Allah.
“The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. WhenAllah(swt) loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His(swt)pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His(swt) wrath.”[Tirmidhi and Ibne Majah]
Finally the Shaykh mentions, when they sin, they willrepent. One should always realise that this life is not always a life ofluxury, comfort and success. Allah will alternate these things between his creations.The one who does not seek forgiveness in Allah will become a miserable person.Allah tells us:
And those who, when they commitan immorality or wrong themselves [by transgression], remember Allah and seekforgiveness for their sins - and who can forgive sins except Allah? - and [who]do not persist in what they have done while they know. [Imran:135]
With this we come to the end of the introduction. All good that you read and take from here is from Allah and any mistakes are from myself
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