Sunday, 24 June 2012

Meeting with Allah - Shaykh Nabil al Awadi


Shaykh Nabil al Awadi – Meeting with Allah

Who is Allah?
(Paraphrasing) The Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam said, after glorifying, ‘To you belongs all Praise, Life, Sustainer, Lord of the heavens and the earth. You are true, your promise is true and the meeting with You is true.’ This is what every believer yearns for.
The desire to meet Allah is in accordance with the love we have for Allah. It is the greatest thing a believer loves.
(Paraphrasing) ‘Those who believe, their love for Allah is deeply rooted in their heart’

The Shaykh then reminded us of the story of Musa and his meeting with His Lord.
(Paraphrasing) Musa departed from Israel, after Pharaoh was destroyed. He had a meeting with Allah and he reached there early. When he was asked why, he said it was because of his desire to meet Allah early....

’Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest’ (Ra’d:28). 
Allah gave Musa the tablet of the commandments. Musa asked to see Allah (he couldn’t help himself). Allah said, ‘You’ll not be able to see me but look at the mountain (think about the size and strength of the mountain) and if the mountain can handle it, then you can. The mountain crumbled and Musa fell unconscious. He then replied ‘Glory be to you Allah, indeed I have repented’

The Prophet’s, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam dua – ‘I ask for the delight to gaze upon your face’

As Allah says, ‘Those who fear their Lord will be driven to Paradise in groups and then, the gates will open (there’s a little pause)’. It’s a beautiful sight to JUST be outside of Jannah. The first to be resurrected will be the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam and he will knock on the door of Paradise. People will begin to enter Paradise and be greeted by the greetings of the angels ‘Salaamun Alaykum’ because they were patient in salah and fasting.

The Shaykh said, ‘What a beautiful ending for those who’ve reached that level’
The delights of Paradise are many indeed i.e. rivers/food/drinks/clothing.
(Paraphrasing) ‘If just a nails worth of Paradise was placed in this dunya, it would adorn and embellish the whole of the heavens and earth.’

The Shaykh then went back to the hadith and said people will be enjoying themselves and there will be no sleep, otherwise you’ll be cut off from the pleasures of Paradise.
‘O people of Jannah, Your Lord, The Most High, wants to meet you’ – Imagine you’re having fun and you think that’s the best thing ever and then there’s more.
After being invited, they’ll be taken on special units to take them to this place. In this place, pulpits will be erected. They will be waiting and someone will call out ‘Oh people of Jannah, Salam Alaykum’. IT WILL BE ALLAH GIVING THE SALAM!
The people reply, ‘Oh Allah, You are Salaam and from is As Salaam and Glory be to you’. After this greeting, Allah will ask the believers if there is anything else they’d like.
They will reply, ‘Haven’t you given us everything?’ They ask Allah to be pleased with them and He says that if He wasn’t pleased with them, they would be here today. In the same voice, the believers ask to see Allah’s Face.

Allah will remove the veil and they will gaze upon the face of their Lord. All of the beautiful names of Allah. This is vision is not an all encompassing vision but despite that you’ll be in great delight. Even the faces that gaze at Allah will be affected as they will be gleaming.

When it comes to this situation, will it be crowded? No! Everyone will be in their own respective places. Indeed you will see your Lord, just like you see the moon at its fullest and Allah is far greater than the moon.
The punishment of the people in the Hereafter is that they will be denied to see Allah. A veil will be placed between them and Allah. These people didn’t prepare for this day. They didn’t have hope for Allah.
So this vision, to see Allah is of two types. Jannah doesn’t come at a cheap price and we strive by giving charity/dawah/cry/give up our life for Allah.

The Shaykh ended with a dua. ‘We ask Allah to make us of the people who can see His face’ Ameen!
All good is from Allah and all mistakes are from myself.

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