Friday, 22 June 2012

Nawaqid al Islaam - the 8th, 9th and 10th Nullifiers


Nawaqid al Islam (The Nullifiers of Islam) by Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhab

Explanation by Aboo Thaabit

Eighth: Supporting and assisting the polytheists against the Muslims. The proof for this is Allah’s statement: “And whoever amongst you takes them (i.e. the disbelievers) as allies and protectors then he is indeed from among them. Verily, Allah does not guide a wrong-doing people.” [Surah Al-Maa’idah: 51]

Aiding the mushrikeen against the Muslimeen is disbelief. This is the concept of Al Wara wal Bara. You love the Muslim because of their imaan and you hate the non Muslims because of their disbelief. You don’t hate a non-Muslim because of who he is.

There are two extremes:
         Just by helping a non-Muslim you get called a kaafir
         You are too laid back and you follow the festivals of the non Muslims

**helping the non-Muslims DOES NOT make you a kaafir**

In the same way a Muslim man is allowed to marry a non-Muslim woman, there are two conditions
       This particular lady has to be chaste
        She has to be a Christian of Jewish lady who believes in God

Ninth: Whoever believes that it is permitted for some people to be free of (implementing) the Sharee’ah (revealed laws) of Muhammad (i.e. Islaam), just as it was permitted for Al-Khidr to be free from the Sharee’ah of Moosaa, then he is a disbeliever.

It is not permissible for one to think that he is free from implementing the Shariah and that it does not apply to him because he may have reached a point of ‘certainty’ in his beliefs.

The lessons we learn from this nullifier
       1.       The very fact that Musa, alayhis salaam went out to seek knowledge shows the virtue of knowledge

And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death). (Hijr: 99)

     2.       Yaqeen means death but some people have taken it out of context!
     3.       If anyone had the right to stop worshipping Allah, it would have been the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam but even he didn't do it!
     4.       The sahaba interpreted ‘yaqeen’ as death

Sh Fawzan said that the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to mankind in its entirety. The proof for this is:

Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only, but I have been sent to all mankind.(Bukhari)
So if someone doesn’t follow in the sunnah of the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, he becomes a kaafir

What does it mean to follow in the sunnah of the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam?
     1.       It is to follow his commands
     2.       To believe in what he came with
     3.       To stay away from the things he told you to stay away from
     4.       To not worship Allah in any way except the way he taught you.

With regards to Khidr and Musa, why did Khidr goes against Musa?

Firstly, who is Khidr? The scholars have differed. The scholars have said that firstly you cannot say that Musa was sent to the whole of mankind so you cannot say that Khidr was underneath Musa’s rule. Our Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to ALL of mankind so if someone does anything that goes against the shariah, it is wrong.
Sh Fawzan said the first category is kufr. So if you say that you don’t need to follow the rulings of the religion, you’ve left the fold of Islam. The second category is by leaving the shariah, you are not kaafir but you are misguided – like the one who might have misinterpreted certain verses.

Tenth: Turning away from Allah’s Religion, not learning it or implementing it (is an act of disbelief). The proof for this is Allah’s saying: “And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the ayaat (signs/verses) of his Lord, then turns away from them. Verily, We shall extract retribution from the criminals.” [Surah As-Sajdah: 22]

Knowledge in itself is divided into two parts
  1. Fardh ul Ayn – a must for every Muslim to know. If a Muslim turns away from this type of knowledge, he has turned away from the religion of Allah
  2. Fardh Khifayah – This knowledge is obligatory on the community. For example, knowing issues to do with fiqh in depth.
Allah gave Jews knowledge and they didn’t act upon it therefore Allah got angry. Then there are those who do not seek knowledge i.e. the Christians.
So seek knowledge and act upon it! The proof for this is:
When Allah desires good for someone, He gives him understanding of the deen. (Bukhari)
The scholars used to say before that the aalim that doesn’t practice upon his knowledge will be punished on the Day of Judgement before the mushrikeens themselves.
The Shaykh means that there are those who do not even seek the basic knowledge regarding Islam.

The Shaykh, Abdul Wahhab mentioned these ten things because they are from the dangerous of things. As a Muslim you should treasure your imaan. Your faith in Allah should be most beloved to you.

With this we finish the Nullifiers in Islam. All good is from Allah and any mistakes are from myself. May Allah protect us all. Ameen

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