Nawaqid al Islam
(The Nullifiers of Islam) by Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhab
Explanation by Aboo Thaabit
Fourth: Whoever
believes that some guidance other than that of the Prophet’s(sallAllahu
‘alayhi wa sallam) is more complete than his guidance
When we mention his guidance, this includes some things
statements regarding the religion
he approved of.
The guidance of the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam is
the best type of guidance. The supporting hadith is the following:
The best of speech is
the Book of Allah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (sallalahu
alayhi wa sallam). The most evil of things are those which are newly-invented
(in religion), and every innovation is a going astray." (Muslim).
There is no one better than the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam and Allah praised him in the Qur’an. Allah says,
‘You have indeed a
good example in the Messenger of Allah (saws) for whosoever hopes for Allah and
the Last Day, and remembers Allah much’ (Ahzab:21)
Sh Fawzan then uses
gives more support to prove that the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam is the
best of the people:
Anas Bin Maalik said: While we were in the masjid with the
Messenger of Allah, a Bedouin came; he then urinated in the masjid. The
Companions of the Messenger of Allah said, “Mah Mah (An expression used to severely
scold someone, to indicate the graveness of a matter).”The Messenger of Allah
said, “Do not put a halt to his urinating, but instead leave him.”They left him
alone until he finished urinating. The Messenger of Allah called him over and
said to him, “Any kind of urine or filth is not suitable for these masjids.
Instead they are only [appropriate] for the remembrance of Allah, the Prayer,
and the recitation of the Qur’an,” or this is near to what the Messenger of Allah
said. He (saw) then issued an order to a man from the people, who then came
with a bucket of water, which he poured over the [effected] area [of the
masjid]. [Muslim]
When something is decreed by Allah, we say ‘We hear and we
and that someone else’s judgement is better than his
judgement, such as the one who prefers
the judgement of the Tawaagheet (pl. of Taaghoot; false deities/religions) over his judgement, then
he is a disbeliever.
If you have the option to judge upon the Shariah and another
law and you pick the other law, that makes you a disbeliever (kaafir). Scholars
have put down certain restrictions.
If a ruler judges according to anything other than the Qur’an
and Sunnah, it falls into three categories
Those who say that the man made law is better
than the Qur’an and Sunnah. In Islamic terms, that person is a kaafir because
he favoured man made laws over Allah’s laws
Those who say it does not matter whether you
judge according to Qur’an or Sunnah or manmade laws. The scholars say that
these people are kaafir because they placed Creator and creation on the same
Those who judge with other than Allah’s law BUT
they do not say that manmade laws are better. The scholars have said that the
person has committed a grave sin.
With regard to this nullifier, the Shaykh is referring to
the first two groups of people.
Sh Fawzan says that when it comes to the Shariah law, people
think it only deals with issues that happen between mankind but Shariah Law is
very comprehensive. It involves all parts of faith because Islam is a way of
life. The Qur’an and sunnah are the main things we take our rulings from.
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