Nawaqid al Islam
(The Nullifiers of Islam) by Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhab
Explanation by Aboo Thaabit
The Second
Second: Whoever
places intermediaries between himself and Allaah, calling unto them and asking
intercession from them, and seeking reliance in them, has committed disbelief
according to the unanimous agreement (Ijmaa’).
Sh Fawzaan: When someone says intermediaries, you have to
ask them what they mean.
If a person says, ‘A person cannot speak directly to Allah
and needs a person who speaks to Him.’ This is the correct belief because the
Angels and Messengers speak to Him.
If a person says, ‘I am a sinful person and need someone to
make dua to speak to Allah’, this is not allowed and the person leaves the fold
of Islam.
These people who ask an intermediary are doing tawassul. In
Islam, we are allowed to use tawassul. There are certain halal ways to do it.
- Reaching Allah through His
Asma was Sifaat. You make dua and call upon Allah using His Names because
Allah says,
To Allah belongs the Most beautiful names so call upon them. (A’raf:180) - You can ask a righteous person to make dua for you. AS LONG AS THEY ARE ALIVE.
- You try to reach Allah through doing good deeds
- You mention your state to
Allah. You humble yourself in front of Allah and make it known that you
are in need of the Mercy of Allah. The dua of Musa, Allah mentions:
"My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need." (Qasas:24)
Tawassul is recommended as long as you stay within the
boundaries. There are four conditions when you ask someone for a favour
- Has to be alive
- The person has to be present
- They have to be able
- Believe that this person fulfilling your request is only a means
If someone says that they are not worshipping these people
but merely using them as a means you say that they are repeating the acts of
the mushriks from the time of the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah
And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to
you." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered]
contemptible. (Ghaafir: 60)
Intercession in Islam is the truth. However there are
- To be accepted, Allah has to give permission. NB: Allah doesn’t not give permission to any except that they are Muslims
- The person that is receiving the intercession has to be Muslim themselves. The Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that he will intercede on behalf of Abu Talib so how can he do it? The scholars say that this is a very unique case and an exception to the rule.
With this we reach the end of the second nullifier. Again,
all good is from Allah any mistakes are from myself.
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