Nawaqid al Islam
(The Nullifiers of Islam) by Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhab
Explanation by Aboo Thaabit
The First
Know that the
Nullifiers of Islaam are ten. Are there only ten?
Sh Fawzaan said that some of the scholars have gather up to
400 things that you out of the fold of Islam.
Why does this book only mention 10?
This is for two reasons
- These are the gravest ones
- A lot of people fall into these things
Shaykh Abdul Wahhab’s intention was to warn people about the
major things that cause people to leave the fold of Islam
First: Shirk
(associating partners) in the worship of Allah.
To know what is the definition of worship, you can look at
this blogpost and see how Ibn Taymiyyah defined it. The scholars say that in
order for something to be accepted there are two conditions:
- To have sincerity (ikhlaas), otherwise Allah will not accept from you
- Come with the sunnah.
The Shaykh backs up his statement with evidence from the
Quran where Allah says:
“Verily, Allah does not forgive that partners be associated with Him in worship (i.e. Shirk), but He forgives what is less than that to whom He wills.” [Surah An-Nisa: 116]
And He says:
“Verily, the one who mixes partners in worship with Allah (Shirk), then
Paradise has been made forbidden for him and his final abode will be the
Hellfire. And the wrongdoers will not have any helpers (in Hell).” [Surah
Al-Maa’idah: 72]
Shirk is seen as a great injustice. How? We say that the
definition of ‘dhulm’ is not only transgress but to replace something in other
than its rightful place.
What is the right
of Allah?
Allah has the right to be worshipped alone. So if a person
takes this right and gives it to someone else, this is the worst type of
injustice. Shirk is of many types and the Shaykh mentions the sacrifice for
other than Allah. What falls into this
is performing sacrifices to someone other than Allah, such as the person who
offers a sacrifice to the Jinn or to a grave. Sacrificing is an act that
Allah loves and is pleased with therefore it is an action of ibaadah. Those who
sacrifice to Jinn or graves have committed shirk. This shows that there is no
difference in who you sacrifice it to, they are one and the same! The most
common type of shirk is in ibaadah.
Is a person
forgiven due to ignorance regarding kufr or shirk?
Ignorance is of two types:
- One Allah will forgive
- One Allah will not forgive
In the first instance, if the person in question is truly
ignorant and has never heard of tawheed or shirk then Allah will forgive it
In the second instance is a person who lies amongst Muslims
and has heard of the Quran and at the very least heard of the Quran and Sunnah.
This kind is not forgivable.
We have reached the end of the first nullifier. All good is
from Allah and all bad is from me.
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